Democratic Convention Watch: Charleston Democrat rumor: New York is out

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Charleston Democrat rumor: New York is out

WE’VE MOVED! Democratic Convention Watch is now at

I like to print all the rumors I see, but consider the source when deciding whether to believe this one:

DLC member, Phil Noble of Charleston was also impressed with Denver. “Everything you want is walking distance downtown,” he noted. “We all agree back home that the Democrats have get off the East Coast in ‘08.” Then he whispered a secret: “We hear New York is out.”


Anonymous said…

Go Denver!

Anonymous said…

MN is now my favorite!

Anonymous said…

Colorado Guv race update; Ex-Denver DA Bill Ritter (D) continues to clobber US Rep. Bob Beauprez (R) according to the Wall Street Journal, Rassmussen, and other online blogs/resources. I’m rooting for Ritter, and Denver 2008.

Anonymous said…

best regards, nice info » » »

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