Democratic Convention Watch: Minnesota thows a party

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Minnesota thows a party

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St. Paul/Minneapolis hosted their reception Friday night at the DNC meeting in Chicago:

Maybe the wild rice was out of season, or the lutefisk would have been too confusing for fish lovers. But the end result was that there wasn’t much that felt very Minnesotan at a party thrown Friday evening for members of the Democratic National Committee gathered in Chicago. Still, the drinks were free and they were flowing generously on the second floor lobby of the Hilton Chicago.

As Minneapolis/St. Paul, Denver and New York City lobby for the honor to host the 2008 Democratic National Convention, the food and party favors matter this weekend. The non-Minnesotan buffet perhaps simply reflected the confidence of the Twin Cities in winning at least one national convention, considering that they are also in the running for the Republican National Convention.

As DNC members left the Minnesota party for a night on the town, they were given a gift bag. Inside was at least one Minnesota classic: a hockey puck.

DemNotes has a picture of what was in the gift bag. Not much there beyond the hockey puck…


Zimbo said…

there were a couple of more Minnesota classics: note the 3M product (from MN), the Best Buy gift card (also from MN), and the Nut Roll–one of the best candy bars in the world–and from Saint Paul! Go Minnesota!

Anonymous said…

It’s not a bad thing that it was a lutefisk-free meal–gross! Minnesota all the way!