Those links are up and running at my politics blog and are sure to fill-up quite fast:
2016 polling round-up, 01-15.11.2015: DEM Nomination
2016 polling round-up, 01-15.11.2015: GOP Nomination
2016 polling round-up, 01-15.11.2015: D-vs-R Presidential GE matchups
2016 polling round-up, 01-15.11.2015: Gubernatorial/Senatorial
2016 polling round-up, 01-15.11.2015: APPROVE/DISAPPROVE, FAV/UNFAV, major issues, etc
I suspect that November/December 2015 will bring us more polling that we have ever seen in those months in the year preceeding a presidential election.
If anyone ever thinks that a poll is missing (I look all over the place for them), just let me know.