Don’t think we’re getting a contested convention

With President Biden dropping out of the 2024 race, the endorsements for VP Harris from potential competitors are flowing in. Newsom, Buttigieg, Whitmer have all endorsed Harris for the Democratic nomination or at least said they would not run themselves.  As some have noted, it’s similar to how the party coalesced behind Biden in 2020 just before Super Tuesday.

Marianne Williamson has said she is running, and Joe Manchin is making noise, but, remember, these are all Biden delegates who will make the decision. Unless a mainstream Democrat runs against Harris, the nomination will be hers without a fight.

Update: Tmess2 makes good points below, but the North Carolina delegation just announced unanimous support for Harris.  It’s actually shades of the smoke-filled rooms of years gone past – but – without a mainstream Democrat to run against her, Harris will be the nominee.

Update 2: LA and NH delegates also declare unanimously for Harris.

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One thought on “Don’t think we’re getting a contested convention

  1. DocJess

    Harris should have all the delegates she needs by Wednesday night. AFTER, Obama, Pelosi, Schumer and Jeffries will endorse — AFTER to avoid the “Coronation effect”. Joe Manchin IS NOT A DEMOCRAT. He only wants to throw his name in the hat to be able to make a speech on the convention floor to keep himself “relevant”. They’ll complete the virtual roll call prior to 7 August to ensure getting on the Ohio ballot.

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