Category Archives: Notes from Your Doctor


no_more_hate (2)This morning on the radio, they were asking for people to tweet whether the problem related to Orlando was whether there were too many guns, or not enough oversight on the mentally ill. How very, VERY, wrong a question.

The tragedy at Pulse has so many root causes, and so much blame to go around. I am struck by all the lives affected: the dead, the injured, their families, friends and co-workers, plus everyone who is LGBTQI. And I have questions. Many questions.

First, I have LGBTQI friends. I don’t think of them as L or G or B or T or Q or I — they are my friends. The people I share a meal with, dance with, go shopping with….just plain friends. I used to have a lot more gay male friends, sadly lost to what was then called GRID, before it was AIDS. I’ve watched the struggles over the years: the hiding before Stonewall, the discrimination, the beatings for having been born. The evangelicals say that we are all created in G-d’s image: how do they integrate their supposed love of G-d with their obvious hatred of those created in her image? Rumor has it that the shooter was “incensed” by seeing two men kissing. I don’t get it. Continue Reading...

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A Note from your Doctor: Politics of the Zika Virus

Aedes_aegypti_feedingAs many of us shiver here in the Eastern United States, mosquito season seems very far away. The mosquitoes that carry it also carry Dengue Fever and Chikungunya. Zika is a disaster for pregnant women, and the latter two are bad for everyone.

Right now, they’re close to pandemic throughout most of South and Central America, and marching towards the Caribbean and onto the US. The mosquitoes themselves don’t actually have to fly here. Instead, people are infected, come home, are bitten by a local mosquito, and then the diseases are carried to other people.

If you think this is a remote issue, and not a political one, you’re wrong on both counts. Continue Reading...

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