Tag Archives: pandemic

What if they gave a Convention and Nobody came?

Last evening the first community based US coronavirus case was announced. There is never just one. And so, just like flu hits different areas of the country at different times, there will be pockets and hot spots, and then they’ll clear and there will be others.

In China, the first cases arose in November of 2019. (Yes, that’s correct, not December.) It was noticed by medical personnel in December, who were silenced by the regime (and several later died), and not “believed” by the Xi regime until late January, when they began locking down China. It is now two months later, and China is still in partial lock-down. It will take another few months, at least, to get back to full speed.

The difference between China (and Italy, Iran, South Korea and Japan) is that we know it’s coming, and we are learning every day from what those countries do what works and what doesn’t. And we know the best possible thing to do is to test people, and the worst possible thing to do is to place large numbers of people in an enclosed space. Like, um, a political convention with people coming from all over the country, and journalists coming from other countries. Continue Reading...

Posted in 2020 Convention, 2020DNC, Coronavirus, COVID-19, Notes from Your Doctor, Pandemic | Also tagged , , 3 Comments

Notes from Your Doctor: Preparing for Pandemic

When not if…that was the word from CDC yesterday, and they’re correct. Covid-19, aka coronavirus is here, and it will at some point be “community based” meaning that it will spread from person to person amoungst people who have not been to any of the affected areas, and were not repatriated.

Is it time to panic? No.

It is, however, time to prepare. Continue Reading...

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Notes from your Doctor: nCoV Update 2_2_20

There are now more than 100,000 suspected cases of nCoV worldwide, the majority in China, but the number of confirmed cases is less than 20,000. The count of confirmed cases, deaths and recoveries is updated hourly by the folks at Johns Hopkins at this link.

There are a lot of medical and public health concerns, but there are also political and economic affects that will impact all of us whether or not we ever come in contact with 2019-nCoV.

But first…since my first post on this a week ago, I’ve heard from people who are starting to panic. Now is NOT time to panic. It’s time to be smart, to ignore the falsehoods about this illness, and to follow standard infection controls that you should be following anyway….when it’s time to panic, I’ll let you know. So, NO this is not a bioweapon, and NO you can’t get it from drinking Corona beer, and NO there is no specific treatment made from saline solutions. You can check the list of all the fake news on 2019-nCov here. Continue Reading...

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Notes from your Doctor: The Wuhan Coronavirus

W.H.O. is determining whether to designate the outbreak of 2019-nCoV as an international public health emergency. Sadly, W.H.O. has put this determination off for at least 10 days, the same sort of cowardly “watch and see” that allowed other diseases to fester and spread. W.H.O. never seems to learn. We know that there is airborne human to human transmission, and that there is a true risk of a pandemic, so let’s look at what you can do to protect yourself, as there’s no doubt that the first American patient won’t be the last.

On the upside, this coronavirus is less virulent than SARS or MERS, meaning that there is a lower probability of death. However, it is still mutating, so we don’t know how it will end up.

As I wrote back when SARS, MERS, Zika, Swine Flu, Bird Flu and other viruses started spreading: fingers, nails, fingers, fingers, fingers. Which means wash your hands. And not just your palms – but your fingers, your nails and then your fingers over and over. You should wash your hands for a minimum of 20 seconds. You should do this every chance you get, it will decrease your probability of all sorts of illnesses. In fact, per an internal paper from the CDC, if every American washed his/her hands properly a minimum of 10 times a day, the incidence of non-venereal communicable disease would decrease by 90% over 30 days nationwide. Believe it or not, washing your hands is even more important than wearing one of those paper masks. Continue Reading...

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